Highley Community Primary School

Respect, Resilience and Relationships


Are you a parent carer of a child or young person who is on SEN support or has an EHCP? Shropshire’s SEND Local Offer has lots of information, support and resources for parents/carers of children with SEND including education, EHCPs, health and wellbeing, early help, family support, financial support, transport, things to do and lots more. Take a look at the local offer website on the following link: www.shropshire.gov.uk/the-send-local-offer

Please click here to access our school's SEND Information Report. Our school SENCO is Mrs Amy Williams who can be contacted at school on 01746 861541 or via email amy.williams1@highleyschool.co.uk


Our SEN Policy is available to view here.

Our SEN Report 2022 is available to view here.